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Collaberative Applications

Groupsystems for UNIX

Group Solutions

GroupSystems offers a powerful Windows-based toolset for conductingcollaborative meetings. The computer display of each participant isdivided into personal and group windows. All group information is postedanonymously, without identification of who contributed it. In thisanony- mous environment, participants contribute spontaneous and candidinput. In addition, Group- Systems provides agendas, item priortizing,list building, on-line surveys, reports and accurate record keeping.

Language: TCL/TK
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.4 Solaris x86 2.4

Group Solutions
2951 Flowers Rd Ste 132
Atlanta, GA 30341-5533
Phone: (770) 451-0026
        (800) 928-7246
Fax: (770) 451-0401